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You read that right. On Friday, February 4th we will be kicking off Stout Month with the release of Orange is the New Stout!
But that's not all. We will also be tapping our new Double Dry Hopped Hazy Double IPA (DDHHDIPA)!
Ciao Down will be here from 3-8!
🍊 Orange is the New Stout* 🍊
This decadent, full-bodied Stout is brewed with whole pureed mandarin oranges and then aged in Axe and the Oak bourbon barrels for a smooth, strong finish.
Just strong enough to make you want to shank your cellmate.
🍻 Double Dry Hopped Hazy Double IPA (DDHHDIPA) 🍻
Brewed with Amarillo and Centennial hops, two classic varieties, that lend to a nice balance of pine and citrus aroma and flavor.
*Bottle only | Draft soon!